Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns (CDPG)
About Us
The Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns (CDPG) is looking to expand its Medical Student Chapters. We are seeking vibrant, motivated, socially conscious students. We are a grassroots organization concerned about the increasing public health impact of firearms and represent medical students, physicians, paramedics, nurses, and other allied health. Firearm related injuries or deaths, whether unintentional or intentional, are a preventable public health issue. We hope to create comprehensive public health policy, raise awareness, and enact lasting change.
If you are passionate about this pivotal public health issue and interested in advocacy and enacting policy change at local and national levels, please contact us as there are several opportunities to be involved!
Contact Information
Club President
Lotus Alphonsus
Club Email
CDPG’s first national workshop “Firearm Violence and Injury: A Public Health Epidemic with Local Solutions” is on February 22 at 7PM ET and will be lead by Dr. Kristin Mueller, Emergency Medicine Physician in Washington. All our welcome to join!